Only nine days to go… Together with Emilien Paulis, I host a panel on Social Networks […]
Together with my great colleague Amanda Machin, I organise a workshop on political identifaction in Europe. […]
I am very happy and proud that Valentina Consiglio will present our joint work on „Policy […]
I am happy to organise together with Emilien Paulis a session on Social Networks and Political Participation […]
Only one week to go… The European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN) 2017 takes place in […]
Looking forward to presenting my paper „Linking Partisanship and Political Context: The Impact of Party System […]
Session at the 3rd European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN) 2017 at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, […]
Very happy to attend the WK ORG Workshop in Hamburg. Meike Wiemann is presenting our joint […]